In my portfolio page , i want to have a content silder to show some of my works ,but didn’t find a satisfied one by google .so i decide to code it myself. You can check the final result here : ,
Let’s see how it work …..
First, Let’s see how this silder should work : it can be a slide or fadein , fadeout by config ; can be silde or fade automatically when page load by config;the most important thing i want is when user click one of the item it can hold on the selected item for a longer time in order to make sure the user have enough time to read the content .
var defaults = { mode: 'slide', speed: 500, auto: false, pause: 3000, select:10000, width: $(this).children('.silderitem').width(), wrapper_class: 'container' }; |
Mode : value can be ‘slide’ or ‘fade’ , that’s define how the silder work.
Speed : Integer which define the fade or slide speed.The Larger values more slowly.
Auto : valid value is true or false , true means start fade or slide automatically when page load.
Pause : Integer define the interval of the slide or fade . Larger values longer time.
Select : Integer ,define the interval when click of the item , so the user have enough time to read the content .If set value 0, it will break the auto slide/fade after click .
Width : the slide or fade item width , aways it can get automatically .
wrapper_class : the css class name of the items wrapper which include all the slide or fade items.
Only for version 2.1.0
Loop : when true the the slider will reverse to the first one auto.
height : set the slider content height
the new version(2.1.0) also support muti-slider/fade in a page. .
How to use ?
HTML Codes:
<div id='sildercontent'> <div class='silderitem'>silder content 1</div> <div class='silderitem'>silder content 2</div> <div class='silderitem'>silder content 3</div> <div class='silderitem'>silder content 4</div> <div class='silderitem'>silder content 5</div> </div> <ul id='slnav'> <li class='active'>item1</li> <li >item2</li> <li >item3</li> <li >item4</li> <li >item5</li> </ul> |
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery.suSlider.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" > $(document).ready(function(){ $('#sildercontent').suSlider(); }); </script> |
Online demo : jquery content silder jquery content fade
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jqurey content slider / jquery content fade plugin
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